How to Prepare for IELTS at Home: Study Plan and Tips.

2 years ago | Posted By: Dr Venkat Reddy | Category: IELTS

IELTS ( International English Language Testing System) assessment is a door to enter English talking nations either for higher examinations or for work. The colleges and associations in the UK, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and, surprisingly, the USA somewhat, perceive IELTS and offer affirmation in light of the IELTS test scores. The test tests your capability in the nuts and bolts of the English Language with regards to Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. 

Understudies needing to get ready at home can allude to the IELTS Preparation Guide that contains IELTS Sample Papers and methodologies to assist you with planning without going to any conventional instructing foundation. IELTS exam preparation and assets are likewise extraordinary readiness material prominently followed by numerous IELTS wannabes all over the place. competitors can likewise allude to the authority IELTS site for additional review material. With all the material and assets in your grasp, the following are not many rules and tips that assist you with getting ready for the test all alone. 

The test is separated into four areas, and each segment requires an interesting way to deal to accomplish an IELTS preparation at home and a nice band score 

  • Listening

  • Reading

  • Writing

  • Speaking

IELTS Study Plan: 


  • Listening should be the least demanding of the four segments. The competitor will pay attention to 4 distinct accounts and answer 40 inquiries in 30 minutes or less. The interesting part is, that you will tune in and compose the responses simultaneously. So how would you expert the listening part of the test?

  • Practice, endlessly practice, and take whatever number path tests as could reasonably be expected before the genuine test.

  • Center is the key, pay attention to each and every detail of the discussion being worked out. Most frequently, losing the concentration for a couple of moments will bomb you in addressing a couple of inquiries, this is where your score descends

  • Attempt to dominate various accents of English.

  • Whenever you are not taking path tests pay attention to digital broadcasts, follow English news channels, and appreciate English shows, this aids in ad-libbing your listening capacities and furthermore comprehend the complement of the local English speakers better.


  • The Reading part contains 3 areas with 40 inquiries, and you really want to respond to them in 60 minutes or less. Assuming listening is about work on, perusing is to do with using time productively.

  • Time your path tests while working on understanding areas.

  • Area 3 is somewhat harder contrasted with 1 and 2. So take a brief period as feasible for the initial two segments and get sufficient practice for the third area.

  • Level up your jargon abilities. As time is the game-changer here, you ought to know the importance of confounded words to rapidly continue.

  • Take a look at inquiries before you read the text. Make a note of catchphrases while you read. This assists you with nothing better.

  • As you read along, fabricate the essence of the passage to you.


  • Writing is separated into two areas: task 1 and undertaking 2. Task 1 comprises dissecting what is going on or a chart/graph/outline. Task 2 will expect you to compose an extensive paper on a particular point.

  • Composing scrutinizes your language abilities. Prior to putting pen to paper, intellectually plan your synthesis and think about the design of the article.

  • Make 4 to 5 short sections out of your substance.

  • Start with an engaging presentation and close with significant ends.

  • Use equivalents as opposed to rehashing words.


  • Speaking test happens either couple of days prior to or after the other three modules. This test expects you to wear your certainty on your sleeves for a smooth overcoming. The whole test goes on for around 15 minutes and contains three areas, presentation, individual long turn, and two-way discussion among analyst and examinee.

  • Begin and end the sentences well.

  • Try not to rehash the words or sentences

  • Practice at home by conversing with your buddies on different subjects and request that they give criticism

  • Build basic, mistake-free sentences.

  • Get your elocution right. 

Thus, you can absolutely plan for IELTS at home and difficult work and brilliant work is the best approach. The very best.


Master Tips on How to Prepare for IELTS : 

  • Peruse a lot of books, diaries, magazines, and papers.

  • Figure out how to peruse long texts quickly and the craft of skimming and checking.

  • Consume content where you get to pay attention to local.

  • Work on composing articles on various subjects of around 300 words (When you do this routinely, your composing fundamentally gets to the next level).

  • Figure out how to examine and compose in view graphs, tables, or charts from training questions and fake tests.

  • Work on communicating in English on recognizable points, voice adjustment, and lucidity.

  • Talk 15-minutes consistently to work on your familiarity, lucidness, and elocution.

  • Sit in front of the TV and pay attention to book recordings, digital broadcasts, and news in English to become familiar with various local accents.

  • Peruse IELTS-style articles and take notes of new jargon. We propose articles from BBC Science, The Guardian Science, and The Science Magazine. For IELTS General, attempt paper articles, guidance manuals, and sets of expectations.

  • Research your articles and begin with the most commonplace IELTS Writing Topics. Focus on the elegantly composed articles you spot on the web, gain subject explicit words and expressions from articles and consolidate them when vital.


Picking the right assets to read up for IELTS is the trickiest part. On the off chance that you have relatively little time or need a definite shot method for scoring a decent IELTS band, you can join Gradeway Prep for IELTS ONLIINE. And power up your prep to score the best in your IELTS for better IELTS results.