Preparing for GMAT online?

2 years ago | Posted By: Dr Venkat Reddy | Category: GMAT

You've decided to take the GMAT. Congratulations! This article will offer you a valuable perspective on demonstrating your most relevant skills and demonstrating your commitment to business school through online GMAT preparation.

Studying business at a reputable university abroad can be a very gratifying experience. One main component of that process is the GMAT test. Taking the GMAT exam involves a significant amount of time and effort. For some, preparation for the test may last days, weeks, or even months. Throughout this blog, we will write about everything you need to do to succeed on the GMAT exam using our GMAT preparation strategies.

Best online GMAT preppractices from successful candidates:

Finding the best GMAT preparation online  can be challenging. In addition to the GMAT Official Guide, students can take advantage of various online and offline courses. Following are some of the best practices of test-takers who have taken the GMAT exam,

  1. Ensure that you begin your GMAT exam preparation at least six months before your test results are due. For those not familiar with the contents of the GMAT, the successors recommend studying for a minimum of eight weeks. Nevertheless, only you can determine the amount of time you need to prepare.

  2. Look for the best GMAT online coaching support to help in your preparation. You can find a variety of high-quality resources online, including reputable GMAT classes online and GMAT books that are designed to help you prepare for the exam.

  3. Determine how much time you ought to devote to each section and topic based on your level of preparation and familiarity with the subject matter.

  4. Incorporating time management into your learning routine is one of the most important things you can do. Not only will this help you during the exam, but it will also help you while preparing for it. It's important to remember that a lot depends on how quickly and correctly you can answer the questions on the test.

  5. Learn about the types of questions in the Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Verbal, and Quantitative Reasoning sections.

  6. Develop your visual literacy skills. The GMAT exam uses several symbols, tables, and other visual designs in its questions. The ability to read visual data will allow you to do well in the exam.

  7. Utilize the GMAT Official Guide to practice with real GMAT questions, answers, and explanations.

  8. Include mock tests in your study plan. It will help you determine where you are in your study preparation and identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can modify your study plan accordingly and based on your new insights.

  9. Examine the GMAT Official Guide Verbal Review or the GMAT Official Guide Quantitative Review.

  10. Utilize GMAT Official AWA Practice, GMAT Official IR Practice, and GMAT Official Quantitative Practice diagnostics and adaptive practice to target your preparation to a specific segment of the exam.

Plan your study schedule based on GMAT test sections

Before you formulate a study plan, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the GMAT exam structure. The GMAT test consists of four principal segments:

  • Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA section) - examines your ability to think critically and articulate your ideas clearly.

  • Integrated Reasoning (IR section) - measures how well you can analyze information and interpret it in diverse formats.

  • Quantitative Reasoning (Quant section) - represents your ability to solve mathematical problems, analyze graphs, and reason mathematically.

  • Verbal Reasoning (Verbal section) - assesses your skills in reading comprehension and editing, as well as your ability to make sense of arguments written down.

Upon taking the GMAT, you will have four sections, and each will be graded separately, e.g.

  • Assessment of Analytical Writing (on a scale of 0 to 6),

  • Integrated Reasoning (on a scale of 1 to 8),

  • Verbal Reasoning (on a scale of 0 to 60),

  • Quantitative Reasoning (on a scale of 0 to 60),

  • Five is the Total Score, which consists of both Quantitative and Verbal sections (on a scale of 200 to 800).

GMAT scores between 650 and 690 rank relatively well, whereas scores like 700 or greater are considered exceptional.

You can use Gradeway Prep's top GMAT prep courses online and mock tests to familiarize yourself with the GMAT and its different sections, which will help you to tackle the actual GMAT test with more confidence.

Make wise choices when choosing your GMAT prep materials

The test preparation resources available are numerous, but selecting the right one is essential - not all resources are worthy and rewarding.

Gradeway Prep recommends using GMAT Official preparation materials when preparing for the test (and simulate the real test-taking experience). Having been designed by the creators of the GMAT, these practice tests use the same scoring algorithm and contain real questions from past tests, making them a valuable means for preparing for the test.

Have trouble choosing the right Official GMAT Prep resource? Take our quiz to receive a customized GMAT prep plan tailored to your needs!

Exam Day Tips For GMAT Online Test

The following tips will help you prepare for the 2021 GMAT online test:

Before the Exam

  • Practice and understand the online whiteboarding tool.

  • Read through the policies and procedures. Be sure to have all the identification documents in place.

  • Ensure your computer is ready for the test by performing a system test before registering.

During the Exam

  • Ensure you log in 15 minutes before the start of your exam.

  • Ensure that all devices are removed, including mobile phones, watches, notes, scratch papers, headphones, and any other devices.

  • It is not permitted to use touchscreens, graphics tablets or stylus devices.

After the Exam

  • The official exam results will be posted to the account within seven working days of taking the exam.

  • Scores will be sent free of charge without restriction.

  • The validity of GMAT scores will be five years.

  • Cancellations and retakes of tests are not permitted, except in the case of checked technical failures and authorized retakes.

Getting the most out of Gradeway Prep with Advanced Questions

Aspire to earn a seat in a top-ranked MBA program or business master program in the world? You can increase your chances of admission by taking the GMAT exam with an elite score. When it comes to pushing the limits of what you can achieve, the Gradeway prep resources are the best.

Obtain instant access to hand-picked GMAT questions from previous exams. And have access to an Online Question Bank where you can create customized practice sets. It's the best choice for those who plan to earn a high GMAT score-the kind that can enable you to get that MBA or business master's acceptance letter that you've always wanted.

Take advantage of the right resources as you progress through your graduate business degree journey. Gradeway Prep offers unique content, GMAT prep materials, GMAT verbal prep, and GMAT practise tests online, along with tools that will assist you in every step of the process. We are accepting applications now. Sign up today!